Be part of Fight City staggering success

IT has been just over a month since the launch of Fight City – and the growth of the site has been truly astonishing.

I certainly didn’t envisage such a reaction and thank those who continue to visit the site. The boxers, themselves, have been brilliant. They have given their time for interviews and spread the word. This could not have happened without them.

One leading promoter even had a Fight City banner made and displayed at ringside. That is going above and beyond.

It has a following of thousands – and the number grows with each day. Fight City is being read in 53 countries and some on the list are surprising: Nepal, Cayman Islands, Colombia, Vietnam…

It is clear there is an audience hungry for news about the local fight scene. Some – perhaps many – rarely, if ever, attend live shows.

Hopefully, having been bitten by the bug, they’ll want to buy tickets to watch the boxers featured in Fight City.

But the surface has only been scratched. I want to develop the website further, stretch the geographical boundaries and include an in-depth amateur section.

That takes further time and finance.

So here’s a call out.

If you want your gym or business advertised on one of the fastest growing boxing sites out there, email or ring 01746 783 533.

Or why not become the main sponsor, with your business name and details forever linked with Fight City?

Remember, what you see now is just the beginning – there are big things ahead.

As they say in the newspaper profession that I was part of for 50 years – watch this space.



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