Bavington collects a much needed win

Bavington drills Dvorakova. Picture: MSN Images/BCB Promotions

PRIDE of Wolverhampton Kirstie Bavington – led into the ring by a rapper – got back to winning ways on BCB’s Friday night title bill.

The 31-year-old former European champ drove forward throughout her six rounder with Tereza Dvorakova at Edgbaston’s H Suite to take a 59-55 from referee Chris Dean.

I presume Mr Dean gave the brave Czech competitor the fifth, when she caught Bavvo too many times as the Black Country favourite forced the action.

It was a much needed victory for Bavington after three straight set-backs, all at a very high level. Canadia Kandi Wyatt outpointed her for the WBA inter-continental welter title, Olympic hero Lauren Price dominated for the British belt and talented April Hunter took an eight round decision last time out.

I have to take my hat off to Dvorakova (10st) on Friday night. Bleeding heavily from the nose from the second, she never stopped trying to turn the tide.

But I felt Bavington (10st 1lb 2oz) made the task more difficult than it needed to be. In first two rounds, she controlled behind a very nice jab, then the red mist appeared to descend and Kirstie became drawn into a scrap.

She admitted as much afterwards. “You can land four or five shots, get caught by one and it feels as if the world’s ending,” Kirstie said.

“I got caught with the right hand, but I was in control. Now I want to get back on TV.”

Bavington boxed smartly early on, but by the fourth Dvorakova was making it messy and Mr Dean told both to tidy it up in the fourth.

Bavvo is ecstatic. Picture: Jack Perry

The East European managed to plant some right hands in the fifth, only to see Kirstie open the throttle in the final round, forcing tired Dvorakova to cling on.

Bavington has now won eight of 15 (two draws), while Dvorakova lost for the 10th time in 14.




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