Barry to be honorary Scot on Excelsior bill
Jessica Barry (right)…her fight tomorrow has been cancelled
JESS Barry, the Coventry prospect nominated for a Midlands junior-lightweight title fight, is set to become Scottish for one night.
The 29-year-old will represent Scotland in the mouthwatering professional bill on Scott Murray’s November 30 Excelsior Sporting Club show.
The show, at Cannock’s Premier Suite, falls on St Andrew’s Day and Scott has given it the full tartan treatment. English boxers will face opposition from Scotland, there’ll be pipers, haggis and whisky tasting.
I’m not entirely sure why Barry is representing Scotland. Matchmaker Jon Pegg said: “She’s a mad Celtic fan.”
Ken Buchanan was one of my favourite boxers, but I haven’t bought a kilt.
Next month’s assignment will, hopefully, ease Jess’ disappointment following late news her fight tomorrow (Saturday) at Edgbaston’s H Suite has been scrubbed.
Barry, who has won two of three as a pro, was to have faced Kerry Orton on Tommy Owens’ show. The Sheffield boxer was ruled out, however, because of a medical query following her last bout, just six days ago.
Pegg said: “Jess is one of the unluckiest fighters I know. I’m almost scared to match her for November 30.”
Her trainer, Derek Fitzpatrick, said: “It’s just frustrating. We’re all gutted, but I’m so gutted for her. Credit where it’s due, Jon (Pegg) went above and beyond to try to get a replacement.”
On Jess’ forthcoming evening as an honorary Scot, Derek added: “We’re getting some tartan shorts.”