An open letter from Scott ‘Terrier’ Melvin

Scott Melvin…Midlands title chance on September 9

An open letter to Mykey Lee Broughton

Dear Mykey,

Something weird’s going on, bro – and, I’ll be honest, I’m so concerned I’ve had to try and contact you through the press.

What’s happening? You gone to ground? You and me are fighting for the Midlands lightweight title on September 9 at Solihull ice-rink. You forgotten?

It’s a big thing – two top Birmingham prospects hungry for big things – and tickets are flying, mate.

Yet you’re saying nothing, you’re not banging the drum. Honest, that worries me.

I’ll say it straight – please don’t pull out, Mykey. This is what we’re in the game for, title fights and big crowds.

How are you ever going to live it down if you pull out? How you going to look yourself in the mirror?

I respect you as a fighter. You’re unbeaten, you’ve got a following. You’re a good fighter. Not good enough to beat me, but a good fighter.

I understand the nerves. You’ve won seven straight, but never faced anyone with a winning record. And the last guy (Lee Hallett), I mean, he’d won one of 64. That was embarrassing, mate.

I’m your first live opponent – live and dangerous.  Reality’s setting in, isn’t it, Mykey?

September 9 is your chance to show you are for real. Take it, you owe that to your fans. Take the risk, that’s what champions do.

It’s your chance to show all the predictions about what your management say you’ll achieve aren’t just bedtime stories.

Maybe, reality is catching up with fantasy and you’re getting twitchy? I dunno.

Mykey, it’s your chance to say you boxed for a title. OK, you’ll also have to tell them you lost, but you fought for one.

If you’ve got nerves, give me a ring – I’ll help you get through them.

Big up the fight, Mykey, join the party – and please, please be in the opposite corner on September 9 when I put the first “l” on your record.

Yours in sport,

Scott Melvin,

Future Midlands lightweight champion

*Both Mykey Lee Broughton and manager Anthony Manning have been approached to comment on the fight. They, as always, have the right of reply.



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